Thursday, February 25, 2010

How reliable?

How do you know what you can trust on the internet?

The internet has been a valueable tool for many people. It has opened many doors for people to do some extrodinary things. However it is also very hard to trust what is writen. You are always asking the questions of is this really true? How would they have found out their information?
There are many false rumors that are thrown onto the internet. Whether it is an obsessed fans writing about there heros or if it is a person who just hates something and slanders it. Facts may not always be a high priority for some people.


  1. Hi Brianna,

    Its true that sometime we find bulks of information on internet but relying on that is the biggest challenge for us. Moreover, it becomes impossible to find the accuracy of the information. My suggestion is that we should always find information from the reliable journals only like NAIT database. Atleast we will not need to waste time on finding best out of crap.

  2. Trusting what we find online in our search for answers can be hard at times, especially if a person is unaware of the amounts of misleading information out there. I am referring to people that are new to the internet, such as teenagers and those with naive attitudes thinking that everything must be true because "this website" said so. Information literacy should be taught in junior high school.

  3. Trusting any source on the Internet, as official or credentialized as it may be. Taking a quick look at one Dr. Nick Riviera of the Simpsons fame, who never actually explains what he is a doctor of, or what sort of practise he actually runs. Let's face it the guy was caught robbing graves, so how verifiable is anything he'd provide? How many Dr. Nicks are there in the world? I fully agree with Melanie on early education in Information Literacy, maybe introductions to it in elementary school would help. Amandeep, I feel your pain when it comes to sorting the CRAAP.
